This was the first church to be built in Emu Park, also the first church in what was to become Livingstone Shire. It was originally named Christ Church, a Church of England – later Anglican.
In November 1893 this church was built on the flat on the corner of Hill and Fountain Streets, opposite the State School. At the time the site was virtually a swamp and in wet weather it was impossible to get into. This hindered numbers of parishioners attending services, so in September 1912 the Church was moved to this site.
The Vicars would come by buggy from Rockhampton to conduct services and in 1919 the church was extended to provide more comfort for the Vicar. Services were held every fourth week. They were arranged for either Saturday night, depending on the Vicar’s visit and daylight or on Sunday morning.
The church was constructed using the single skin exposed stud method which was popular in Queensland in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. A faster and cheaper construction resulted by only lining the inside of the frame and leaving the studs exposed.
In 1984 the church was beautifully restored by the parishioners.