The formation of the Queensland Country Women’s Association Emu Park branch occurred in 1925 and continued the work of the Emu Park Ladies Improvement Fund.
Meetings were held at members houses and various halls in the town. Building funds were raised by conducting afternoon teas and garden parties along with an annual ball in the School of Arts and a £70 bank loan.

In 1936 the QCWA Hall was built and there were 33 members. During WWII camouflage nets were made on the side walls by members who were also busy knitting socks and scarves for the soldiers.
Additions have been made to the building to meet the growing need of the community.

Emu Park members have helped Iocal families with meat and grocery food vouchers, provided wireless transmitting sets for the outback, supported the iniand medical mission and paid train fares for mothers and children in remote areas to have a seaside holiday when there was a QCWA Cottage at Zilzie.
Members are still helping women and children in need . These are women who, together, improve the Iives of people Iiving in regional, rural and remote Queensland.
The Station Master’s House was built in 1888 and over the years housed the Station Masters and their families. The house was neat, well-kept and one of the most modern in the town at the time.

The first Station Master was Mr. J . D. Bogje and the Iast Mr George Jolly jn 1960. The house was demolished when the Cultural Hall was bullt.
The railway provided accommodation for other staff including the drivers and the fireman, although these were not located in the railway precinct.